D. Woolley & Associates uses National Utility Locating Contractors Association (NULCA) certified utility locators to perform underground utility locating. The NULCA Competence Standard is the only training program that meets the accreditation requirements of NSF International Strategic Registrations (NSF-ISR). Common Ground Alliance (CGA) recognizes the importance of adhering to NULCA competency standard by incorporating them into their Best Practices to prevent damages and promote safety when locating underground utilities.
“Only qualified persons shall perform subsurface installation locating activities, and all such activities shall be performed in accordance with this section and Government Code Sections 4216 through 4216.9. Persons who complete a training program in accordance with the requirements of Section 1509, Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP), that meets the minimum training guidelines and practices of the Common Ground Alliance (CGA) Best Practices, Version 3.0, published March 2006, or the standards of the National Utility Locating Contractors Association (NULCA), Standard 101: Professional Competence Standards for Locating Technicians, 2001, First Edition, which are incorporated by reference, shall be deemed qualified for the purpose of this section.” -
California Title 8 Regulations § 1541. General Requirements.
D. Woolley believes that a quality training standard is necessary to complete locating tasks in a safe, efficient, and timely manner. Recent changes to California law require all new installations must be captured in a Geographic Information System (GIS) by the owner of the new installation. This means that locators must now understand geomatics, electromagnetic locating, and geophysical concepts. Our team has the interdisciplinary experience that bridges the gaps between these sciences. We are committed to providing professional services that fit the needs of our clients. Our team can help your staff become qualified to perform utility locating tasks, maintain GIS, and create survey accurate as-built/as-constructed databases for all utilities.